We shape the future of industrial innovation with passion and excellence.

About Sisar

SISAR stands out for its advanced engineering and innovation in automation. Located in Tondela, in the Vilar de Besteiros industrial park, our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers, optimizing processes and reducing production costs.

With mostly internal processes, from 3D design to assembly and maintenance, we create customized solutions to strengthen relationships and ensure customer satisfaction. We innovate towards sustainable solutions, with customer success as our measure of success. We are committed to delivering products and services that increase the productivity and sustainability of our partners' businesses.

+20 Years

In the market



Honesty is the foundation of our integrity. We value transparency and truth in every action.


We encourage humility at SISAR, recognizing that we all have space to learn and grow together.

Team Spirit

We promote a collaborative environment, where team spirit is essential to achieve common objectives at SISAR.


At SISAR, resilience motivates us to overcome challenges and to adapt to changes with determination.


We respect diversity and value each individual contribution, creating an inclusive work environment.


The commitment to excellence guides SISAR. We are dedicated to delivering on our promises and exceeding expectations.


Seguimos padrões elevados em todas as nossas atividades, assegurando resultados precisos e de alta qualidade.


Agimos com responsabilidade e respeito, garantindo uma conduta exemplar em todas as interações.


Assumimos a responsabilidade pelos nossos atos e decisões, comprometendo-nos a fazer sempre o que é certo, tanto para a equipa quanto para a comunidade.

Formação Contínua

Incentivamos o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional de cada membro da equipa, promovendo a excelência através do conhecimento.


Mantemos a integridade e a transparência em todas as relações, reforçando a confiança que os nossos parceiros e clientes depositam em nós.

we elevate the industry with innovative, sustainable and customized solutions for a more productive future.


We promote technological innovations that add significant value to our clients, consolidating strategic partnerships, supported by a highly dedicated and committed team, always with a strong focus on safety and social responsibility.
Comprometemo-nos com a parceria entre clientes, fornecedores, colaboradores e sociedade. Para além disto, queremos basear a  nossa atuação na consciência social  e ambiental, contribuindo para um futuro sustentável.


We aspire to be leaders in the manufacture of industrial machines with integrated automation systems, standing out for our competence, teamwork and focus on total customer satisfaction through innovative solutions.
Estamos comprometidos em fornecer produtos e serviços de excelência, superando as expectativas e impulsionando o sucesso dos nossos clientes na indústria.

SISAR Partners

Boost automation in your company.

Start your journey towards innovation and operational optimization - SISAR is your best strategic ally.